The development of Strong Brain has depended on a great many open source software systems and programs, as
well as several significant proprietary systems. We attempt to list here all of these programs and offer
our thanks for them. Any omissions are inadvertent, and authors who feel that they should be acknowledged
should contact Applied Logic Systems. Since Version 2 was a massive rewrite and port of Version 1, we split
the list into two parts.
The development of Strong Brain has depended on a great many open source software systems and programs, as
well as several significant proprietary systems. We attempt to list here all of these programs and offer
our thanks for them. Any omissions are inadvertent, and authors who feel that they should be acknowledged
should contact Applied Logic Systems. Since Version 2 was a massive rewrite and port of Version 1, we split
the list into two parts.
Version 2.1
Version 1
- Sun Microsystems, Inc. for Java and associated libraries and tools
- Apache Software Foundation
- Apache HTTP Server
- Tomcat (and especially[!] the Tomcat Users mailing list)
- Tiles (and the Tiles mailing list)
- Ant
- Various Jakarta libraries, including Xerces and Commons
- DWR - Direct Web Remoting (Joe Walker and friends)
- Eclipse and MyEclipse
- The WordNet project and the JWNL project(John Didion).
- Wikipedia and WikiMedia Commons
- Project Gutenberg for its wonderful treasure of text
- MobileRead Forums EBook Uploads for the lrf versions of (Gutenberg) texts.
- lrf-epub-tools (eladio.linares) for tools to work with lrf texts.
- Adobe Systems, Inc. for PDF and Adobe Reader
- Crossword Express (John Stevens) for crossword puzzle software
- (Alf Magne Kalleland) for useful scripts, especially Solitaire, Sum is Fifteen, Scramble Puzzle, and Sudoku.
- JFree (David Gilbert) for JFreeChart.
- Primrose (Ben Keeping) for the Primrose database connection pooling software.
- Url Rewrite Filter (Paul Tuckey) for URL Rewrite filter.
- Blueprint CSS (Olav Bjorkoy and friends) for the Blueprint project.
- Great CSS Horizontal Drop-Down Menu CSS (Tedd Sperling and friends) for the dropdown menu code.
- Chuck Houpt for help and suggestions way beyond the call of friendship.